Punjab Government to Make Online Appearance for Elderly in Courts

News Patiala: The Punjab government has announced that it will make online appearance possible for elderly people in courts. This is to help them avoid the hardships of appearing in court in person, such as transportation difficulties and the need to take time off from work.

The government will provide a mobile link that elderly people can use to appear in court. This link will allow them to submit documents, attend hearings, and participate in other court proceedings remotely.

The decision to make online appearance possible for elderly people in courts is a welcome one. It will help to ensure that these individuals have access to justice, even if they are unable to appear in court in person.

Here are some of the benefits of online appearance for elderly people in courts:

It can help to reduce the hardships that elderly people face when appearing in court in person.

It can make it easier for elderly people to access justice.

It can save elderly people time and money.

The Punjab government’s decision to make online appearance possible for elderly people in courts is a progressive one. It is a step in the right direction, and it will help to ensure that these individuals have access to justice.

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