Young Indian Man Shot and Killed in America

Samana: Karanveer Singh, a young man from Talwandi Kothe village in Samana, India, was shot and killed in America on October 11, 2023. His relatives are demanding that the government send his wife and child to America so that the last rites can be performed.

Singh had gone to America two years ago. His wife and relatives have demanded that the government send her and her child to America so that the last rites can be performed. Singh’s parents have already passed away. His relatives and sisters have spent 50 lakh rupees to send her to America. She went there and started working. Two days ago, Singh spoke to his wife Navneet Kaur about this, and she said that now her work is fine. He was also sending money, but his phone did not come from yesterday. When his wife called Singh’s friends and asked, they told her that Singh had suffered some injury and was admitted to the hospital, but a few hours later, they called again and said that Singh had been shot and killed.

This incident has shocked and saddened the community in Samana. The relatives are appealing to the government to help them send Singh’s wife and child to America so that they can be with their loved one during this difficult time.

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