The silent killer of Bangladesh took the lives of 102,456 people, people in terror

Hundreds of people have died in the last few months due to the student movement in Bangladesh, which was much discussed. But now a report has come out, which claims that 102,456 people have died in the last one year due to air pollution in Bangladesh. The poisonous air there is being called silent killer. According to a report by Bangladesh’s Center for Research Energy and Clean Air (CREA), Bangladesh was considered the most polluted country in the world in 2023. The value of PM2.5 here is 79.9 µg/m³, which is 15 times higher than the World Health Organization standards.


The CREA report claims that if the country’s air quality is improved, deaths can be reduced by 19 percent. And if WHO guidelines were followed, 81,282 lives could be saved each year. Not only this, it can increase people’s lifespan by 21 percent. PM2.5 is the finest particle pollution. This is causing diseases like heart attack, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respiratory diseases and lung cancer. It is mostly affecting young children. Every year 5,258 children are dying because of it.


Premature birth of children
As reported by Daily Star, Asthma is being caused due to air pollution. The baby is being delivered prematurely. Not only this, affordability is also decreasing. Diseases are affecting the elderly. Many such diseases are arising which are not cured throughout life and are disturbing people.


CREA’s air quality analyst Dr. Air pollution causes thousands of babies to be born prematurely every year in Bangladesh, Jamie Kelly said. Their weight remains low. Many children die at birth. This problem is most common among poor families. Not only this, billions of dollars are being lost every year due to air pollution.


The age has decreased by 4.8 years
CAPS President Professor Ahmed Qamaruzman Majumdar said, increasing air pollution in Dhaka is affecting not only physical but also mental health. The Air Quality Life Index 2024 report states that air pollution has reduced life expectancy by 4.8 years. Many things are responsible for increasing pollution, including smoke from factories, dirt from houses.


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