News Patiala– August 2:-Reliance Jio has launched its most affordable JioBook laptop in India, priced at Rs 16,499. The laptop is powered by an octa-core processor and 4GB of RAM, and comes with 64GB of storage that can be expanded up to 256GB with a microSD card. It also features an infinity keyboard and large multi-gesture trackpad, as well as USB and HDMI ports for connecting to external devices.
The JioBook laptop runs on the JioS operating system, which is a user-friendly and intuitive interface. It also supports 4G connectivity and dual-band Wi-Fi, so you can stay connected wherever you are. The laptop is ultra-slim and lightweight, weighing just 990 grams, making it easy to carry and transport. It also features a 11.6-inch anti-glare HD display, which makes it easy to see in outdoor light.
The JioBook laptop is available for purchase now through the Jio website and select offline retailers.
Key features of the JioBook laptop:
- Affordable price of Rs 16,499
- Octa-core processor
- 4GB of RAM
- 64GB of storage
- Infinity keyboard
- Large multi-gesture trackpad
- USB and HDMI ports
- JioS operating system
- 4G connectivity
- Dual-band Wi-Fi
- Ultra-slim and lightweight design
- 11.6-inch anti-glare HD display
The JioBook laptop is available for purchase now through the Jio website and select offline retailers.