No reservation in the appointment of law officers in Punjab

No reservation in the appointment of law officers in Punjab
 No reservation in the appointment of law officers in Punjab

News Patiala: 14th July 2022

                    The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government will not give reservations on the appointment of law officers in the Advocate General (AG) office in Punjab. The government led by CM Bhagwant Mann has approached the Punjab and Haryana High Court against this. It will be heard today. The National Scheduled Castes Commission ordered the government to grant reservations. The High Court had also sought a response from the SC Commission on the government’s petition.

The AAP government argued that the SC Commission can recommend or suggest the appointment of law officers. So cannot order. Along with this, the Advocate General of Punjab Dr. Anmol Rattan Sidhu also opined that in the appointment of law officers, their competence should be seen. These officials will have to represent the Punjab government in the High Court and the Supreme Court. The High Court had also asked the Center whether this reservation system applies to them.

When the ‘AAP government reached the High Court, the Chairman of the National SC Commission, Vijay Sampla, also slammed CM Bhagwant Mann. He had posted a photo of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar in the Chief Minister’s office on social media. Sampla said that Dr. Ambedkar cannot be respected by putting up a photo. It requires willpower.

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