Lesley Manville on “The Crown”: A Touching Send-Off

Image of Lesley Manville as Princess Margaret in “The Crown”

Lesley Manville, acclaimed actress and Oscar nominee, delivers a nuanced and poignant portrayal of Princess Margaret in the final season of Netflix’s hit drama “The Crown.” Her dedication to the role shone through in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, where she expressed initial anxieties about Princess Margaret’s farewell being overshadowed by the season’s packed narrative.

A Dedicated Episode for a Complex Character

Creator Peter Morgan had a lot to cover in the show’s final 10 episodes, encompassing major historical events and royal developments. Yet, amidst the whirlwind, Manville was delighted to discover an entire episode (“Ritz”) dedicated solely to Princess Margaret’s final days.

“I was thrilled,” Manville confessed. “I knew the series would deal with Margaret’s death, but it could have been fleeting. As the family grew, I wondered how much air space I’d get. To have that whole episode – well, I was hungry for it. I craved a good episode that truly focused on Margaret.”

Beyond Illness: A Spotlight on Sisterhood

Manville wasn’t just excited about the solo episode; she was particularly pleased with its exploration of Princess Margaret’s relationship with Queen Elizabeth, played by the equally brilliant Imelda Staunton.

“The absolute bonus was that at its core, it wasn’t just about her stroke and limitations, but about the remarkable bond she shared with her sister,” Manville elaborated. “Imelda and I are close friends, and our affection shines through. It’s magical when you don’t need excessive dialogue because the connection speaks volumes. Working with Imelda on this episode was unquestionably the highlight of the entire series for me.”

Portraying the Nuances of Stroke

To prepare for the role, Manville meticulously researched strokes and met with individuals who had experienced them. She learned that each stroke manifests differently, presenting a unique challenge.

“Some had mild strokes affecting their speech, but it eventually recovered,” Manville shared. “Others had devastating strokes, a completely different scenario. Ultimately, I had to honor the script while ensuring the audience understood my portrayal. It was a delicate balance.”

Humor in the Face of Adversity

Despite the physical decline depicted in the episode, Manville’s Margaret retains her trademark wit, even declaring at one point, “I’d rather die than do exercise!”

“She’s fabulous to the last, isn’t she?” Manville chuckled. “I can forgive anyone a lot if they have that twinkle of dry humor. I’m sure she wasn’t always easy, but spending an evening with her would be an absolute blast.”

Intertwined Timelines: A Story of Legacy

The episode seamlessly blends scenes from Princess Margaret’s final days with flashbacks to her youthful exuberance celebrating Victory in Europe Day at The Ritz with Queen Elizabeth. These flashbacks, played by Beau Gadsdon and Viola Prettejohn as young Margaret and Elizabeth, explain Princess Margaret’s enduring fondness for the hotel and underscore the significance of their shared history.

“I found the back-and-forth between timelines lovely,” Manville expressed. “It’s a powerful storytelling tool that illuminates Margaret’s The Ritz obsession and birthday tradition, rooted in that joyous experience from their youth.”

A Fitting Tribute

Lesley Manville’s dedication to the role and nuanced portrayal of Princess Margaret ensure a captivating and touching send-off for the complex royal figure. “Ritz” not only delves into the physical and emotional challenges of her later years but also celebrates her resilience, humor, and the enduring bond she shared with her sister. This episode serves as a testament to Manville’s talent and a fitting tribute to Princess Margaret’s multifaceted legacy.

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  • A more concise and attention-grabbing introduction.
  • Additional quotes from Manville to provide deeper insights into her portrayal.
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