Punjabi University Recruitment Records Stolen

Patiala, Punjab (India) – The records regarding the recruitment of employees at Punjabi University have been stolen, raising questions about the security arrangements at the university.

The theft took place on Sunday night, and the matter was reported to the police on Monday morning. The thieves broke into the recruitment branch by breaking the window, and then scattered the records. It is not yet clear what was stolen, but the university administration has formed a three-member team to investigate the matter.

The theft has caused concern among employees at the university, who are worried that their personal information may have been compromised. The employee leader Rajinder Singh Bagri has called for a thorough investigation into the matter, and for the person responsible to be brought to justice.

The incident has also raised questions about the security arrangements at Punjabi University. CCTV cameras have been installed in many parts of the campus, but the thieves were able to enter the recruitment branch without being detected. This suggests that there may be gaps in the security system, which need to be addressed.

The theft of the recruitment records is a serious matter, and it is important that the university administration takes steps to ensure that it does not happen again. The security arrangements need to be reviewed, and the person responsible for the theft needs to be brought to justice.

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