Municipal Corporation Patiala Takes Action to Drain Water and Clean Sewage Lines in Flood-Affected Colonies

Patiala, July 12: The Municipal Corporation Patiala has been working tirelessly to minimize the water damage caused by the recent flooding in the city. Under the leadership of Commissioner Aditya Upal and Joint Commissioner Naman Markann, teams have been working around the clock to drain standing water, clean sewage lines, and spray anti-larvae medicine to prevent the spread of mosquitoes.

Drainage of Standing Water

The teams have drained standing water from six colonies, including New Mahindra Colony, Pathak Vihar, Bhutnath Mandir, Tej Bagh, Muslim Colony, and Purana Bishan Nagar. They have also thrown out water from the sewage lines in four colonies using jetsuck machines and engines.

Cleaning of Sewage Lines

The teams have cleaned sewage lines in Gopal Colony, Chhota Araimajra, Hira Bagh, and Rishi Colony. They have also conducted a cleaning campaign in these water-affected colonies to remove any debris or contaminants.

Spraying of Anti-larvae Medicine

The teams have sprayed anti-larvae medicine at Model Town Mathura Colony near State College, Tagore Theater, Prem Bagh Palace, Mahindra College, Polytechnic College, State College, and Bikram College. This will help to prevent the spread of mosquitoes, which can carry diseases such as malaria and dengue.

Collection of Drinking Water Samples

The Municipal Corporation is also collecting daily samples of drinking water in two slum colonies of rural areas of Patiala Urban. This is to ensure that the water is safe to drink and that people do not get sick.

Here are some tips for residents of affected areas:

  • Boil water before drinking it.
  • Keep your home clean and dry.
  • Use mosquito repellent.
  • Report any standing water to the Municipal Corporation.

The Municipal Corporation thanks the residents of Patiala for their patience and cooperation during this difficult time.

The Municipal Corporation is committed to providing basic facilities to the residents of the affected colonies of the city. They are working hard to minimize the water damage and to prevent the spread of diseases.

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