Vaccination will no longer be mandatory for those entering Canada!

 The Trudeau government may take a decision soon

Vaccination will no longer be mandatory for those entering Canada!

Toronto, now the cases of corona are decreasing all over the world. In such a situation, seeing the decreasing outbreak of Covid-19, countries around the world are now removing restrictions. Meanwhile, the citizens going to Canada are going to get a big relief. A government source said the vaccination rule to enter Canada is likely to be eliminated.

The need for the Covid-19 vaccine will end

According to government sources, the Canadian government may end the rule of the Covid-19 vaccine for people entering the country by the end of September. Sources gave this information to the Associated Press on Tuesday.

A decision can be taken on September 30

According to sources, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau can announce this decision by September 30. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has to finalize it, the official said. Apart from this, it has also been learned that now there is no need to fill in information about vaccination in the Arivcan app. But, the Canadian government will not end Covid-19 testing at airports.

Must show a vaccination certificate

Let us tell you that foreign citizens coming to Canada, like in the United States, are required to show vaccination certificates. Yet, the US has not yet made any announcement about the abolition of vaccination, whether they will take such a step even by September 30 or not. It is worth mentioning that more than 42 lakh cases of corona have been reported in Canada so far. While more than 45 thousand people have lost their lives due to coronavirus.

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