The MPs will now pay the money rupees Rs 1.24 lakh, which was Rs 1 lakh per month per month
New Delhi, March 24
Hike in Salariaies, Pensions for MPS: The Union Government has notified 24 per cent in the salaries of costing inflation on Monday. The Ministry of Parliament has also increased the pension and additional pension for the current members of the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and former members.
The MPs will now pay Rs 1.24 lakh per month salary per month which was Rs 1 lakh per month. The notification said that the daily allowance has also been increased from Rs 2,000 to Rs 2,500 to Rs 2,500. The pension for former MPs have been increased by Rs 25,000 per month to Rs. 31,000 per month.
For more than five years, an additional pension has been increased from Rs 2,000 per month to Rs 2,500 per month to Rs 2,500 per month. The salary has been informed of using the powers of MPs and powers listed under the salary of MPs and pension, as the salary of inflation of inflation. -Ptyti