US Deportation ROW: Nurture to degrade of the turbans of the Sikh youth of Sikh youth from the United States from Deport.

Balwinder Singh Hali

Cotcapura, Feb 17:

The Speaker of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha, Kantar Singh Sandhanthi said that the people of the people was degraded by the US was also brought here and the turbans of the United States was also brought here. Talking to reporters after participating in an event here today, the hands of the youth of the deport was handed over to the President Trump in the United States. He said that people in the United States like Colombia was sent by the United States with full honor but also the Prime Minister of the country had been given to the people of his country honored him. He said that Punjabi came to migration for 200 years but now young people are illegal, mental and emotional loss of their family and sold to lands. He said that the Chief Minister of Punjab and government was standing with those as many Punjabi depirts. Asked about any action on the agents sending them unlawfully sent and Speaker Sandhaws said that everyone would take action. He appealed to the youth that living here should work hard in the country but if it needed to go abroad, go to the right andable way.

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