Arrowinder Paul Kaur became the editor of the Punjabi News-Patiala

Mrs. Arvinder Paul Kaur has taken over as the first female editor of the ‘Punjabi News-Patiala’. He was serving as a working editor of the newspaper since January 2024. After the Punjabi University, Patiala, after degrees from Punjabi and Patiala, he started traveling to the journey in the Punjabi Subribution in 1988 as a train sub-editor. After working on various positions in the newsroom, he was taken against the news editor in March 2019. In Punjabi journalism, the edit of the edit, translanting, editorial and feature writing during their long journey. During the last 36 years, their features are publishing time in the ‘Punjabi News-Patiala’. Those prominent journalist Kuldeep Nayer’s self-biography ‘Bondi’s The Lines, including four books from English to English, including English. Former ‘Raw’ of them, the former head of the ‘Raw’ Kularth book ‘Kashmir: The Vajpayee Yorz’ (Kashmir Statist, Chandigarh Sahities Academy award the best translated book of the year 2019. In addition, they were Nandita. The Puri called on her husband and eminent artist Om Puri, also translated Heroes’ (the hero of life).

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