Washington, January 10
The American court sentenced Donald Trump (78), the president-designate of the country, in the case of hush money, but the court did not send him to jail, nor fined him, nor did anyone Kind of banned. This decision of the court is a big relief for Trump and it has cleared the way for Trump to reach the White House. Manhattan Court Judge Juan M. Mercen could have sentenced Trump to up to four years in prison, but chose a path that would avoid a constitutional crisis. Trump will be the first president of the country to be formally convicted and sentenced. Trump is to be sworn in as President on January 20.
What Trump powers will be effective?
President-elect Donald Trump may not have to go to jail, but Trump may have to pay a fine or do community service after being sentenced by a New York court. A conviction would add serious charges to Trump’s criminal record, which would affect some of his rights.
Trump’s vote is in Florida and despite the punishment, he will have the right to vote in Florida. Trump won’t even be able to own a gun anymore because under federal law, felons are not allowed to own firearms. Trump will also have to provide his DNA sample, as New York requires a person convicted of a felony to provide a DNA sample for the state’s crime database. Trump can become president because there is nothing in federal law that prevents a person from becoming president because he or she has been convicted of a crime. Trump will also be free to travel outside the US as he will have a diplomatic passport as president. Due to the punishment, Trump will be barred from getting a liquor license. Only the governor of New York has the right to pardon Trump for this sentence. – Ap