Punjabi University Completes Re-evaluation of Answer Sheets After Student Protests

News Patiala:


Punjabi University has completed the re-evaluation of answer sheets for students who claimed that their papers had been wrongly marked. The re-evaluation comes after months of protests on the campus over the issue.


A total of 2,720 answer sheets were revaluated. Officials of Punjabi University said that the entire process has been completed and the results will be announced soon.


The protests had erupted on the campus after students alleged that their answer papers had been wrongly marked in some semester exams. One of the protesters had claimed, “The answer papers were wrongly marked. Some students were given zero marks despite having performed well in the previous exams.”


The university had initially refused to re-evaluate the answer sheets, but later relented after the protests intensified.


The re-evaluation of the answer sheets is a victory for the students who had been protesting against the university. It is also a reminder that universities should be responsive to the grievances of the students.

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