Punjabi girl who went to Canada died in a road accident

 Canada: A Punjabi girl has died in a road accident near Strawberry Hill Library in Surrey, Canada. According to information, a speeding car went out of control and hit Amanjot Bhagi alias Shweta (22) resident of Kurali, Punjab who was going home on the footpath.

Punjabi girl who went to Canada died in a road accident

Amanjot Bhagi was injured in this accident. He was immediately admitted to a hospital in Surrey, where he died. The parents of the deceased girl have demanded from the government of Punjab and India to bring the body to India and conduct a high-level investigation into the matter.

The father of the deceased girl, Sanjeev Kumar Bhagi, said that he received a call from his girl’s friends from Surrey last night. Who said that his daughter had died in an accident.

He said that his daughter was walking home from her duty late in the evening when a speeding car hit her, and she was injured. An injury occurred, due to which he died during treatment in the hospital. The father of the deceased girl also said that the body of the deceased has been damaged, so he is going to Canada for the last rites.

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