The extremists in Canada are strongly redness against the allegedly disrespect and violent actions of the temples, Arya
News-Patiala New Services
New Delhi, March 22
The Landu-Canadian MP Chandra Arya, as a Hindu-Canadian MP Chandra Arya) The Liberal Party has been rejected as a candidate for the Advanced Central Elections. Meaning Ruler Liberal Party refuses to pay tickets from this constituency in the upcoming elections.
In Arya Canada, the allegedly sounds against the alleged disrespect and violent actions of temples.
The former Canadian Prime Minister Trudo Justin Troudin Trurodo (Former Canadian Prime Ministers Trudo, Trime Mininauu) have been accumulated in the Aria country in the Airaya.
He also condemned the petition related to Air India in Canada for the Liberal Party MP Dhaliwal. In this terrible bomb case, 329 were killed, and it was the worst tragedy in the history of aviation horror before the 9/11 attacks.
In a post on social media, I said, “I have been informed by the Liberal Party to be rejected as a candidate for the federal elections to come to the Nippon.”
“However, this news is very disappointing, but it does not reduce the deeper honor and respect for Napina people and respect to Napina people and respect for Napina people,” he said.
“Serving your community and the country have been the largest responsibility of my life and thank I am for every moment.”