The BJP questioned Kejriwal and Mann silence

The letter persuasive

New Delhi, Jan 31

BJP candidates Dilatihtan Kumar Gautam, Prinkat Priuman Gautam Kumam, Revocate Balmeseki, Deep Balmese Rao Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhanmendkar The National Convener Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has questioned the silence of Bhagwant Mann. The BJP candidates alleged that during the joint press conference, BJP has been naked in this quiet from this quiet. He said that if Kejriwal was not talking about Baba Sahib Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bho Ambedkar yesterday if there was something in the Dalit community, they will also sit quietly. BJP candidates demanded justice for the latest Dalit leaders of AAP.

Dinthant Kumar Gautam alleged that ‘AAP’ expressed 11 constituency Dalits and when the Dalits were troubled today. “I gave the resignation because the SC / ST funds were diaverted for 9 years,” Rajkum Gautam was diagnosed by 9 years. Have a task for Baba Sahib. Sunaram Chaunhar said that the statue of Baba Sahib was not operated in Punjab but the hearts of the people of the people of all Scheduled Samaj. Deepa Indura said that this would not tolerate the statue of Baba Sahib Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bhim Bho Ambedkar that honor Dalits, Indusors and Backwards. Kamal Sangear said Kejriwal was also deceived in Punjab after deceiving the Dalit community in Delhi.

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