Pregnancy vaccination before after schedule; MMR | Hepatitis ab vaccine | Sehtanama- Get this vaccine at the time of pregnancy and before it: Essential for mother and child, know the answer to every question from the doctor

5 hours agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari

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Pregnancy There are many changes in the physical and mental health of women during the time. Due to these changes, they increase the risk of many diseases. Mother’s health also affects the child in the womb.

According to the ‘National Institute of Child Health and Human Development’, women are at risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, infection and depression during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, some vaccines are given to protect the mother and child from infection and to maintain hormonal balance. Some vaccines are also given before and after pregnancy. These vaccines help in safe and healthy pregnancy, labor and then postpartum recovery.

Therefore, we will talk about these vaccines in ‘Sehtanama’. Will also know that-

  • Why vaccination is necessary during pregnancy?
  • When should women get the vaccine?
  • What can cause problems if not getting vaccine?

Why vaccination is necessary in pregnancy

There are new changes in the woman’s body every day during pregnancy. Most physical changes can be seen. These changes are naturally preparing the woman for the birth of a child. However, changes associated with immune system and brain functioning are not visible. Despite this, you can cause diseases.

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Which vaccine should be installed?

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pregnant women share everything with their children. For example, the body of the child thrives in the mother’s body. This means that if the mother falls ill, it will also affect the health of the child. If the mother has vaccination, it will not only protect the woman, but will also get initial protection to the child in her womb.

For the good health of the baby in the womb, it is necessary for the mother to be healthy. Therefore, a vaccine is given to boost the immunity of the woman before pregnancy. During pregnancy, such vaccine is given, which can provide protection to both mother and child. Whereas after pregnancy, the mother is mostly given such vaccine, which could not be given during pregnancy.

Before pregnancy

Before conceiving, women and their family should ensure that they have got the vaccine required to avoid problems during pregnancy. These vaccines are the most effective when they have been installed a month before pregnancy.

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Let us understand all the vaccine works.

Mmr vaccine

This vaccine protects from measles, mumps and rubella. Rubella is a viral infection, which can cause sevier birth defects, such as heart related problems, hearing loss and developmental problems.

Women who have not taken rubella vaccine should apply MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine at least a month before conceiving. Blood tests can detect that someone is immunized with rubella or needs a vaccine. The vaccine before pregnancy ensures the best security for the baby.

Varisella vaccine

Chickenpox can be dangerous during pregnancy, causing birth defects in the child or weight loss at birth. Women who have never had a chickenpox or have not been applied to its vaccine should be applied varisella vaccine before pregnancy. This vaccine is most effective when given at least one month before conception.

Tdap vaccine

Women who have not been installed TDAP vaccine within the last 10 years should apply this vaccine before pregnancy. The TDAP vaccine protects against whooping cough (pertussis), which can be life threeting for newborns. For the safety of mother and child, vaccine should be installed before pregnancy.

Hepatitis b

According to ‘Office on Research of Woman Health’, a child born to a mother suffering from Hepatitis B is at the highest risk of being infected with the virus at birth. Therefore, please consult a doctor about Hepatitis B test and vaccine.

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During pregnancy

Some vaccines are necessary for the protection of both mother and child during pregnancy. These vaccines are usually given during the second or third trimester of pregnancy. This is so that the mother can pass her child more antibodies through placenta. The placenta is a tube between the mother and a child in the womb, which gives oxygen and nutrition to the womb for the development of the baby.

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Tdap vaccine

According to Dr. Priya Gupta, TDAP vaccine can be given between 27 and 36 weeks during pregnancy. It protects children from whooping cough. It can be fatal for newborns.

Antibodies from TDAP vaccine reach the child via the placenta. This provides protection to the child for the early months of life. Early days are very delicate for children. Therefore, if the mother has already got TDAP vaccine, then a shot should be taken during pregnancy.

Flu vaccine

Flu is high during pregnancy, the risk of pneumonia and premature delivery is high. Therefore, the safety of both mother and child can be confirmed by installing its vaccine in the flu season (October to April).

The flu vaccine is safe during pregnancy and reaches the child via placenta. It keeps the child safe from flu even after birth. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all pregnant women should apply its vaccine during the flu season.

After delivery

Most people usually focus on the child’s health after delivery. Doctors and family are busy with the vaccination of the child. While the mother also needs some vaccine to protect both mother and child. During this time, the mother is given all the vaccines that have been left during or before during pregnancy. Usually this vaccine is given to women after pregnancy.

  • Varisella vaccine
  • Rubella vaccine
  • Tdap vaccine

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