Constipation causing foods list; Kabz Symptom | Signs Treatment | Sehtanama- 15 foods that are consumed by eating: What to eat that the stomach is clean in the morning, doctors are telling the secret of good digestion

11 hours agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari

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According to a report published in the National Library of Medicine, 21% of people are constipated all over the world. According to the 2018 Gut Health Survey, 22% of adults in India suffer from constipation. 59% of these people complain of serious constipation.

Our bad lifestyle is the main reason for this. Our food is in its foundation. Every mouth of food decides whether constipation will happen or not. If there is not enough fiber in food, it can cause constipation. This can also cause this problem by not drinking enough water. This can cause stomach swelling and gas and pain.

Physical and mental health is affected due to constipation not being cleaned. This can affect everyday work. Productivity can also be reduced in office work.

so ‘Sehthanama‘I will talk about constipation today. Will also know that-

  • What are the symptoms of constipation?
  • Which foods causes constipation?
  • What to eat to get rid of constipation.

What is constipation?

The simple means of constipation that the stomach is not getting cleaned. The waste of the food we have eaten is stuck in the stomach.

Understand this that when we eat something, it goes through the small intestine in our stomach into the large intestine. The small intestine absorbs neutrients from food and sends it to the large intestine. The large intestine absorbs water from it and it turns into a thick poop.

If the amount of fiber in food is low then the food moves very slowly in the digestive system. During this time, the large intestine absorbs more water than this. This makes the poop dry and tightened and it gets stuck. If water is also drank less then it can be more difficult.

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What are the symptoms of constipation?

The common symptom of this is that the stomach is not getting clean everyday. When a bowl movement occurs, the poop is very tight. See other symptoms in graphic-

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15 things that are constipated by eating

The basic cause of constipation is our food. Some foods are caused by constipation, while eating some things removes constipation and cleans the stomach well. According to Dr.…, eating or drinking these 15 things can cause constipation. See in graphic-

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Understand the reason for constipation caused by some foods given in graphic-

  • Drinking more alcohol removes the water present in the body through urine. This can cause dehydration and cause constipation.
  • Eating chocolate makes the digestive process very slow. This gives the large intestine a chance to absorb more water and gets constipated. If someone has irritable bowl syndrome, then chocolate should not be eaten at all.
  • Dairy products like milk and cheese can cause constipation. The lactose present in it can increase stomach gas and inflammation. Therefore, if there is a problem of constipation, milk and cheese should be avoided.
  • Very fried things or more processed food can increase the risk of constipation. This is because they have high fat and less fiber. Therefore the digestive system may slow down and constipation.
  • Constipation can occur due to iron and calcium supplements. So if you are ever taking these supplements, then definitely include extra fiber in food.

Some common questions and answers connected to constipation

Question: Is constipation or convenience afraid?

answer: No, constipation is very common. Almost all people of the world sometimes complain of constipation in life. Constipation can cause constipation due to lifestyle malfunction or not eating enough fiber food. If someone is having frequent constipation, it means that the digestive system is not good or food choice is very bad.

If someone has been constipated for a very long time, then it can also be a serious health problem. In such a situation, instead of ignoring constipation, consult a doctor.

Question: Can eating more fiber also cause constipation?

answer: If the amount of insoluble fiber in food is very high, then it can make the bowl movement very slow. This can cause stomach problems and constipation.

Usually, constipation increases constipation due to very high fiber foods. In such cases, consult a doctor before adding fiber foods to the diet.

Question: Which foods should be avoided when constipated?

answer: If someone has constipation problem, then he should avoid foods that contain more fat and less fiber-

  • Processed foods- chips, biscuits, salty.
  • Ultra Processed Foods- Burger, Pizza.
  • Dairy products- milk, cheese.
  • Red meat.

They contain a lot of fat and less fiber. Therefore, their digestion is difficult and constipation can occur.

Question: Can drinking almond milk also cause constipation?

answer: Almond milk is usually safe. Almonds contain enough fat and also have some fiber. Almonds are usually not the main cause of constipation. However, if you are buying almond milk from the market, then the calcium present in it can cause constipation due to chemicals and fortify.

Question: Can eating chicken cause constipation?

answer: Chicken does not always cause constipation because it contains some fiber along with lean protein. However, this does not mean that eating chicken can provide relief in constipation. If you are eating chicken, then food should also be included in food to avoid constipation. Also, 7-8 glasses of water should be drunk a day.

Question: Can eating can provide relief in constipation?

answer: Eating all these things can provide relief in constipation-

Fruit: Papaya, apple, pineapple, kiwi, grapes and guava.

Vegetables: Carrot, spinach, lemon, cabbage, brockli, beetroot and lady finger.

Seeds: Chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sprouts.

Cereal: Oats, bran flour.

Dairy Products: Buttermilk, curd and ghee.

Question: When it is necessary to consult a doctor when constipation is there?

answer: Consult a doctor if there is constipation in these conditions-

  • If constipation is not ending even after taking the medicine.
  • Constipation remains even if lifestyle improves and eating fiber food.
  • If there is frequent constipation problem.
  • If there is abdominal pain with constipation.
  • If there is blood in the stool with constipation.
  • If other symptoms such as vomiting with constipation are visible.

Read this news related to health also Sehthanama- What increases weight due to constipation: not obesity, constipation due to many lifestyle diseases, constipation, eat 30 grams of fiber daily

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