Changes in the patterns of the Neet Ug exam, now so much time instead of 3 hours 20 minutes

Neet Ug Entrance Exam’s pattern has been changed. NTA has done so after two years. According to the new pattern, students will now have to solve the paper within three hours. However, this relief is likely to be less than two to three percent of the cutoffs due to the exam patterns.


Now the exam will be 180 questions
In the new patterns students will get a total of 180 questions in the paper during the exam. Students will have to solve all these questions. It will solve 45-45 questions from Physics and Chemistry and 90 questions of biology. Let you know that during the year 2022, students were being given 3 hours to 20 minutes for the students to resolve the paper.


The special thing is that each subject of Neet Ug in the changed system was given the choice of two section A and B in the paper. There were 15 questions in the section A total in a total of 35 and sectionb. Participants in Part B have to solve only 10 questions. The five questions were given as an optional option. This made it easier to solve the paper. That is, students were given students in every subject as a five question option.


Students will be gained in new patterns
According to the experts Rajndra Singh, Neet Ug in the new system is likely to lower cutoff. This is because the time solution period has been reduced to 20 minutes. This is due to the chances of students to solve 100 per cent of the students. There will be five alternative questions in Section B will not be available. This will help students to help alternate questions. This allows other child organizations.


55,000 students in the secker did Apply
Students in the Neet Ug in the district is being seen to the neet Ug. Seeing the number of students, according to the trend of various coaching institutions, more than five thousand students can sit in the medical admission exam this time in connection with various coaching organizations. According to experts, about 55,000 students of the Secker last year was applied for Neet Ug. This figure may cross over about 60 thousand.


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