87 gutts of synthetic door in Devigarh, 87 gutts of synthetic doors

Mukhtar Singh Nightgon
Devigarh, Jan 31 of Jan
The team of Nagar Panchayatgarh has recovered 87 gutts of the banned door by checking Ranchoodhgarhgarh, Nylon, Synthetic Door. Rascist officer Rakesh Arora said that DC DC Dr. According to the guidelines of Preeti Yadav’s guidelines, the markets were checked and shoppers were also aware of the use of such a banned door. The functionality officer said Patiala on Piawa Road on the Powhawa Road. 36 reels from Trader Marries, 12 cycles of Arterable General Store, was recovered from Amundeep Traders, including a banned Chinese door. He said that all this was handed over to the police and wrote to further action. He said that no people should be given to the Chinese Door and if anyone sells. He said that the kite is allowed to blow down the cotton thread which is not made from any glass or sharp material / adhesive substance that strengthens the yarn. He said the violation of the Environment Act, 1986, the violation of Section 5 or regulations under the violation of 1986, is pending under Section 15, the then captivity of the said Act in prison for 5 years or Rs 15 lakhs Can then be both.

87 Ghatti exports of Chinese, Nylon and Synthetic Door in the post Deviabhgarh, Appeared first on Punjabi News-Patiala.

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