Shagun Kataria
Jaito, January 25
Police destroyed the largest consignment of drugs today in the house of Seodha Singh today.
SSP Prague present on this occasion said that total of 269 cases of total 269 cases of the NDAPUS Act, 746 grams 75 mg centuries, 4330 Nawar, 460 grams, 65 Mg narcotled powder, including 15 mg smacks and 5 miles.
He said the police are constantly scheduled for the eradication of drugs from Punjab. He said that during the district of the district operates 108 trials against drug traffickers during the last five months and 142 accused have been arrested. He said that under the last few times the officer was admired of a significant drug removal and the matter has been destroyed today. He said that the district police were seized over 3.38 crore of drug trafficking by drug traffickers. He said that the meetings and seminar were being conducted in the impact of drugs of drugs in villages and cities. He appealed to the people if there is a drug addiction, the information about them immediately to the police, so that tough action against drug traffickers could be taken against.
The post police approved the largest consignment of the drugs of drugs to News-Patiala.