Flaxseed Health Benefits (Benefits of eating flaxseed) Nutrition | Health Naama- Eating flax seeds sharpens the brain: The biggest source of Omega-3, which should not be eaten, know the answer to every question from the expert.

9 hours agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari

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Flax seeds have become the favorite seeds of people all over the world. Doctors and medical science are also telling their benefits. Once upon a time in our country, laddus were made of flaxseed and jaggery as soon as winter started.

As soon as the cold started, grandmother used to make laddus by roasting flax seeds, pounding them in a mortar and adding flour and jaggery to it. These laddus were the best snacks throughout the winter. Now these laddus are disappearing. But when science declared flax seeds as a superfood, they were packed in small packets and sent to supermarkets.

Flax seeds are rich in fiber and protein. They are also a good source of minerals like copper, magnesium and zinc. Omega-3 fatty acids are the best source for vegetarians and vegans.

so ‘medical certificate‘Today I will talk about flax seeds. You will also learn that-

  • What is the nutritional value of flax seeds?
  • What are its health benefits?
  • Who should not eat flax seeds?
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Flax seeds are powerhouse of protein

Flax seeds are very beneficial. They contain abundant amount of protein. That’s why they are also called powerhouses of protein. They also contain fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. For vegetarians and vegans, there is no better source of omega-3 fatty acids than flax seeds. They are also used as egg substitutes in making cakes and breads. See more interesting facts about flax seeds in the graphic.

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Nutritional value of flax seeds

The nutritional density of flax seeds is high. It is a good source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and lignan. What other nutrients are there in it, see the graphic:

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Lots of vitamins and minerals are found in it

Flax seeds contain minerals like magnesium, iron and manganese in abundance. It also contains Vitamin B1 and B6. Let us see in the graphic how many minerals required by the body daily are obtained by eating flax seeds.

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Flax seeds are very beneficial for health

Blood pressure remains under control due to the presence of magnesium in flax seeds. This can be beneficial for people suffering from the problem of hypertension. Bones become stronger due to the presence of phosphorus. What are its other benefits, see in the graphic:

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Some common questions and answers related to flax seeds

Question: Is it safe to eat flax seeds every day?

answer: Yes, it is generally safe to eat flax seeds every day. However, if you are undergoing treatment for any disease or have any problem related to digestion, then definitely consult a doctor once.

Question: How much quantity of flax seeds can be eaten daily?

answer: Dietician Shilpi Goyal says that you can eat 1-2 teaspoons of ground flax seeds daily. This has many benefits for health and brain functioning also improves.

Question: Can eating flax seeds cause any harm?

answer: Yes, if too many flax seeds are eaten then there may be problems of swelling, gas and pain in the stomach. If they are eaten in safe quantity i.e. 1-2 spoons then there is no such problem.

Question: Who should not eat flax seeds?

answer: If a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, she should avoid eating flax seeds as it can cause hormonal imbalance. If you want to eat flax seeds then definitely consult a doctor once.

Question: Can eating flax seeds cause allergic reactions?

answer: Yes, it can cause allergic reactions. The immune system of some people may overreact with the proteins present in it. Due to this, allergic reactions occur. Eating flax seeds may cause nausea, itching, or breathing problems. If you have any such allergic reaction, stop eating it immediately and consult a doctor. If the condition is getting worse then take him to the hospital immediately.

Question: Is it safe to eat flax seeds during pregnancy?

answer: Experts give different answers regarding this. Some experts believe that eating flax seeds during pregnancy can lead to premature birth of the child. Whereas some experts consider it safe to eat 1-2 teaspoons of flax seeds daily during pregnancy. Consult a doctor before eating.

Question: Does eating flax seeds stop hair fall?

answer: This is not completely true. However, it has been seen in many cases that eating flax seeds daily can reduce hair fall. The Omega-3 fatty acids present in it improve blood circulation in the scalp. This provides nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots. It is rich in copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron, vitamin B1 and magnesium. This keeps the scalp healthy and reduces hair fall.

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