Fire Erupts at Indus Hospital in Visakhapatnam

Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh: A major fire broke out at the Indus Hospital in Visakhapatnam on Thursday, 2023-12-14, sending panic waves through the city. Several patients were reportedly trapped inside the building as flames engulfed the second floor.

Prompt Response:

Four fire tenders rushed to the scene and firefighters, along with police and other rescue workers, immediately began evacuation and rescue operations. Around 40 patients were safely shifted to other hospitals for further treatment. Fortunately, no casualties have been reported so far.

Indus Hospital fire -

Cause of the Fire:

The fire is suspected to have originated from a short-circuit on the first floor of the hospital, located at Jagadamba Circle. An investigation into the exact cause is underway.

Senior officials on the scene:

Senior police officials, including the city commissioner, arrived at the hospital to oversee the evacuation process and ensure the safety of everyone involved. The fire was brought under control after a few hours of intense effort.

Further details awaited:

The hospital authorities are yet to release an official statement regarding the extent of the damage caused by the fire. Further details regarding the incident are awaited.

Impact on patients:

This incident has undoubtedly caused a great deal of disruption to the hospital’s operations and has also impacted the patients who were receiving treatment there. The authorities are working to ensure that the affected patients are provided with alternative arrangements for their medical care.

Safety measures:

This incident highlights the need for stricter safety measures in hospitals, especially those dealing with vulnerable patients. Regular fire drills and the installation of proper fire safety equipment can help to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

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