IAS Officer Transfer Punjab Today News


IAS Officer Transfer Punjab Today News
IAS Officer Transfer Punjab Today News 

 4 IAS Officers Transferred in Punjab 22 December 2021

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  1. Shri Anurag Verma, IAS(1993) Transferred/posted as to Principal Secretary, Home Affairs & Justice and in addition Principal Secretary, Elections and in addition Principal Secretary. Science Technology & Environment and in addition Mission Director.
  2. Shri Dilip Kumar, IAS (1995) Transferred/posted as  Principal Secretary, Employment Generation & Training and in addition Principal Resident Commissioner, Punjab Bhawan, New Delhi and in addition Principal Secretary, Power and in addition Principal Secretary. 
  3. Shri Raj Kamal Chaudhuri, IAS (1996) Transferred/posted as Principal Secretary, Health & Family Welfare.
  4. Shri Vikas Garg, IAS (1998) Transferred/posted as Secretary, Technical Education & Industrial Training.

IAS Officer Transfer Punjab Today News ias officer transfer news ias officers transferred many times ias officer transfer policy rules IAS Officer 

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