Swaran Singh tooth
Messengers, boats, crying faces. Frightened. The mouth hid. What did say what happened to them? Forty hours later arrived on the ground on the earth, where many months ago. Four space stopped in the way, for the oil and water. These remained in the inraid. He was not aware, what country was. Many learned after a plane tire on Runway, his Amritsar came. The same airport, rapid about the wickedness that this is less than here, governments, governments. But today is not manifesto. Altered without the united ship. Traveling from a ticket. Of how big big dreams was passengers. Of the beautiful life of the children, a muscles, spot, and sighs, the beautiful future. It has gone to all today, pure, how much eyes will be like a movie scene.
Now all of all 104 households. 30 of Punjab. The tears of old parents are crossing the hearing. They cry. The world is looted A. The man’s will. Chubbing, many cheeks throughout ages.
I have stir out the stretching. An interview of a boy arrived in Punjab two years ago. He was in the first two minutes. Cried to babies. “The kit soldiers sold, two elongated jewelry. The agent was confident. Many people were sent. Seve to a number says. Taken Delhi from home. Placed in the way of the week. From there. Dubai. Then another country. Again. A week of the week, somewhere. Arrived in the stabbing forest. There are more like me. The exam started. Survived, so survived, died, so died. Dying, reached the hypocrisy base camp. Many weeks stayed there. The right time to cross the wall. Finally crossed. They took jail. Outside out. Eating two years. Feet do not engage. I came back. Money, the year of life, went away. At times, the judgment of pushing the car with a sister’s dole. Furial sides of old burden parents stopped the spraying jar.
That is the dunk. Dunky with pain. The danger. To be smelling with death. Village Redemption. Dreams of new country. He made films on dunkiness, gh. Songs became songs. Documentary films occurred. News made. But reduced reduced, non-move. The United States here already. Also knowing the reach of those who visit.
A few months ago I came the call from the United States. Was an unknown man. Absorbent. “Dunky-dunky soil stirring soil. I earn four lakh month. If the blow is straight, luck changes a. You talk. Prevent the way. Drinking dreameds are angry. ”
How much he spoke the same bitter. Today I find the phone number, but not meet. As soon as we meet, ‘What about these a hundred and four. Calls all. The list of next eighteen thousand has been made. How can the wrong path lead everyone right? A few, a brink of pain with you. Neither enter, not to hold. You will put three gifts after ten years and wake up to the Punjab and take advantage of agents. ‘
Yes, the truth, the head of the United States Bardrol, written by Michael Banks, ‘US Border Petrol successfully sent India to India successfully. Used the military plane. This mission shows our commitment to evacuate immigrants living in illegitimately. The wrong way cross the border, will be sent back. ”
How a message is their. Of Trump. Are aliens for them living in the wrong way or try to reach them. Those Elian, who do not need. He also studied Elian, also read in books or in the films. He also touched hands and video of the Indians with boat. Also change that the government has changed. You do not need.
But how do we change? When is changed we? If the moment for a short time. Change in compulsion. These prayers, ‘The true King, daughter, daughter to reach safe. Finds locations. Get a green card. Become firmly. Let’s be happy again, then come true. ‘
Our prayers is a sense of request, “Baba ji, where you were born, and love the wars, the middom, and swallow the forty-five kilometers. ‘
The agents have been hidden after now. It was already up to a short time. Like a short time after the rain, there is a shortly threatening. The memory of Punjabis is not a relevant Nari. Then go into the chung. With the curtains, meditate, instruct, deduct the “boy ‘cane. The rupee is as much as possible. Ear to the ear is not the news. Sharik greatly. The only know of reached. When Photo on Facebook, Shark will be lone. “
How often the lesses of agents came on the Punjabi roads. Drawn. Cursed-handed. News. Leaflet. Dates on the dates. What did the The same traps, the same reels.
I occasionally think, how to cater to the ten legs of Punjabi, while taking two hundred vegetables. Knots, tomatoes, harvests, how to draw fifty million people? What happens to our wisdom? How do the fifty million come to a?
Dunky, not to express, my own. Perhaps all stayed. No one’s saying stops. But then thirty today, the example that would like to leave home to thousands of boys and girls. No one and no one to be kept and stubbornly stubborn, there is now.
Now there is raging a. Perhaps the week will run it. Why titles the ship in Punjab was low. Why mandards shook. Why found the boats. The same bathroom was the ship. Why did inhuman treaty. The Center is responsible. “Illegal immigrants,” says union ministers, “says illegal immigrants under the decades. No new it. Incorrect ways can be dangerous protection. “
It is a statement for us and the question of life for us. This is a subject for them, thousands of topics of our lives are. They have not been able to have died, we have not been thread. But where is the lesson? The dunky industry of Punjab is a billions of A. The dunkie becomes God. They argue, “If your son-daughter reached the right location. Earn. Lands-cars to take. You ever thanked the agent? When not arrive, the dead died, looted, do. “
Not to understand the need, not to explain. It is to be especially special to understand the Punjabis. We are bold, but unpaid dying is not a fool, but is foolish. We are fighting with situations, but fighting at the forests and not wisdom. Why are we a betting of life, but why to die thousands of miles[thousandanddie?Wearenotgoingawaybehindbutnowitwillhavetoretreat
Outdoor not bad. But go to the capable. Half crores of confidence in an unknown trial of an unknown blind journey not the ability. Walk to yourself than to blame anyone. If the governments do not apply, remember until the voting day. Learn to live a living room.
I once went to a friend’s house. Years ago. There was five and six dird of keys down the stairs. Eat four dird rust. I amazed, “Some of the Khaki, which treasure? ”
“Ahh Rusty, ate, the mouthpayer of the Muka. Chandane, four years ago. Ahhk Good Good Exvoke Five Homes and Flazines. Went to Germany three years ago. The goodness of those who were later is oh. Six months ago, England went six months ago. He was saddened.
I asked the reason, saying, “The next month I and your brother-in-law and I have a girl. For concern that we will hold out to worry! “‘Yes, one of the truth came. Two boys fought in the school. One called Bapu. They left the grooved boy and left two others by plos. The second crying went home. Told Bapu. Bapu was reached the first house. Afterward, he said, “Error thy guy. Our master witnesses, class witnesses. “He said, ” He said, Millions of mistakes. But how thou killed. I had mistakes of my own, I myself spoke. How did your courage have to touch my people. “
But now the mistakes brought up and brought none of the front. No one said that we had a mistake; You tell us; We do our own. ”
We have to do something for your home. Getting Started from lessons. A. To have a lesson to be taken a. Life is not so long that every experience should be done on her side. Be for lessons from the past past the past. Greed back. Detend. Our only daughter-sons. Walked for the good, bad got bad. Gambling was gambled. As explain, understand, listen, listen, listen.
Contact: 98141-78883
The post bin called on the ship … AppEared first on Punjabi News-Patiala.