Entrem Township, Feb 6
The last part of a trailer in Pennsylvania has become a majority of one lakh egle stolen which police could not be resolved. The Pennsylvania State police spokesman Troir First Class Megan Frager said Wednesday, “We are relying on the leaders of the community. So we are hoping that some knows something, they will call us and give us some suggestions. ”
The Fraser said that the police were pursuing any potential Witnesses and is investigating the monitoring footage that can help them identify the guilty. “In my career, I have never heard of a million eggs stolen,” he said. This is definitely different. “
It may be recalled that the Bird Flood is forcing millions of chickens in a month, with which the prices of American Embets in the summer of 2023 have been doubled from their cost. It seems that Easter approach will not see any relief. The average American egg price in December is 4.5 dollars. The agriculture department foretold that the Embets of Embezing Embets this year are going to grow 20 per cent.
The official said 100,000 eggs were stolen from the last part of the Arganics Distribution Tarala, the official said. According to the police, their price in Pennsylvania’s entromy is worth about 40 40,000, which is the big crime. Pete & Gerry’s Organics LLC said in a statement that the company was working with officials to investigate theft. –AP