Gurmeet Rum Rim Rim Parkle: Gurmeet Ram Ram Rahim was re-parole, what is the permission to go to the camping for the first time before

News-Patiala News Service

Rohtak, January 28

Gurmeet RAM RIM PAROle: The head of the Dera Sacha Subda Gurmeet Ram Dhanm has once again been parole. According to the information, he exit from the Goldaraia Jail in Monday morning.

This time Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Rahim is going to go to the camp at Siusa. This is the first time that he was allowed to go to the arrogance in 2017.

It may be recalled that Gurmeet Ram Girm was sent to jail in 2017. After that he had many times prison on parole and furlo. During the parole, he held various religious and social events, in which the large number of his devotees took part.

The special security arrangements have been made to the parole of this time. Ram Ram Rahim is being the most likely to be a large gathering of a large gathering at the arrival of Sirsa Dera.

When to Ram Rahim received Parole and Farlo:

October 2020: 21 day parole on mummy health.

May 2021: Parole for the second time to meet with the mother.

February 2022: Follow 21 days to meet with family.

June 2022: Plan religious and social schedules at 30 days parole.

October 2022: 40-day parole on Diwali.

January 2023: Online meditation on 40 days parole.

July 2023: 30 days parole.

November 2023: 21 Days Farlo, migration to the garden ashram.

January 2024: Fast of 50 days.

August 2024: 21 Days Farlo, participated in many schedules.

October 2024: Parole earlier before the elections of the Haryana Assembly.

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