Dengue continues to soak Patiala as 36 fresh cases were reported now. With this, the district dengue count has passed 530. Only in October 483 cases were reported. The Health Department has connected 30 hotspots within the district and has asked the Municipal Corporation MC and thus the Patiala Urban Development Authority PUDA for deep fogging in these hotspots. Health officers said fogging was a demand to check the spread of the fever. It has been learned that the Health Department, after entering complaints from residers that no fogging was being done, has requested the MC and PUDA for complete fogging in the hotspots doubly a day.
The MC Commissioner has removed the allegations and claimed that fogging was being carried out by their inspectors. The Commissioner said, there is a fogging canon that covers the whole town during a week. Thus, each area is encamped formerly every week. Our officers are conducting fogging in the hotspots on a diurnal base.” Dr. Sumeet Singh, the district epidemiologist, said a maturity of the fresh cases were reported from the hotspots only. Either, health officers are aggressively tracing connections of dengue cases. With 36 new cases, the dengue count in the district touched the 500 mark now. This is the actual informal number of cases reported during a day since 2018. Of the 36 cases, 22 were reported from municipal areas and 11 from rural, and three from other Districts.
The Health Department reveals that Patiala had cases in 2018. Still cases drastically dropped within the ensuing time with only 271 cases. Last year in 2020, 307 cases were reported. This time, the count stands at 500 accordingly far. Meanwhile, the Health Department has connected hotspots within the city. The main area includes Urban Estate, Tafazalpura, Factory area, Guru Nanak Nagar, Bharat Nagar, and Ekta Nagar. PatialaHealth Officers said 25 dengue cases had been reported from the Urban Estate.
Patiala Deputy Commissioner Sandeep Hans held a meeting with the Health Department and ordered them to give redundant focus on the hotspots to control the spread of dengue. The DC Patiala also asked the Municipal Corporation to conduct fogging within the hotspot areas. Patiala Civil SurgeonDr. Prince Sodhi said that the MC would conduct fogging in high-trouble areas doubly each day with hand-held fogging machines.