More than 57 per cent of the age of 14 and 16 uses smartphones for educational purposes while 76 percent do it for social media. This information has occurred in the annual status report of the education. The report said that more than 82 per cent of the age group in the age group know using smartphones. At the same time, the guys have more smartphones than girls.
What is ASER?
Let us know that the annual status report of the education was a countryman of the country in the basis of talking to 6,49,491 children in 605,75 districts of the country. In each surveyed district, the survey was conducted in the cooperation of the NG official Organization Pretemp by a local organization or organization.
It is worth noting that the first time the countrywide domestic survey included a part of digital literacy, which was focused on children of the age of 14-16. It also questioned the act of smartphones, ownership and use, also included a personal assessment of some basic digital skills.
The report appeared in front
The report states that 82.2 per cent of the age of 14-16 are known to use smartphones. Of these, 57 percent said they had used it for academic activities last week, while 76 per cent said they had used it for social media during this time. However, smartphones for educational activities was equal in girls and boys, but girls are less likely to use social media. Of these, 78.8% of these were found to use social media while girls’ figure was 73.4%.
Which states of which states use the most smartphones?
According to the report, Kerala is the fore in the use of smartphones, where more than 80 percent of children said they use smartphones for educational activities and more than 90 percent of children use it for social media. ASER found that the number of those containing smartphones in children of 14-16 is low, but it grows with age.
Out of the children who use the smartphone, 27% of the age of 14, 37.8% of the age of 14, said they have their phone. In addition, smartphone is a large gender gap in ownership. 36.2% of boys said they have their smartphones, while 26.9% of girls said they had their smartphone. This gender gap was observed in all the states.
Is smartphones greater or normal phone?
According to the report, in 2018, about 90% of rural houses had ordinary mobile phones and 36% had smartphones. In 2022, the number of smartfon exceeded 74% and this year it has increased by 84%. If we look at children of 14-16, such children, such children, about 31%, which was only 19% last year.