Long-India Co-operative Bank outside the RBI Imposses Reserve Bank Restrictions

Mumbai, Feb 14

The restrictions of the Indian Reserve Bank (RBI)’s resistant to the New India Co-Operative Bank of Mumbai have produced the environment of terrorists in the accountholders who are no longer accessing their deposits. In the following pictures, people are in the rows outside banks in the footsteps.

People found the messages that report the RBI decisions on Friday. The bank has been prevented from accepting or allowing new deposits or allowing to withdraw the account holder. The account holder has yet, “I am attached here for 22 years. My wife’s and all my savings is in this bank. We have been asked to wait for us to wait for 90 days without regular information. But how do we manage money from? ”

Many account holders criticized this sudden movement of the RBI said they should have been warned. “We depend on this bank for daily expenses for daily expenses. If we were first informed, we could secure our funds. It is wrong with this as a sudden block. ”

However, RBI has allowed limited arbitraration under specific terms but the amount of people is insufficient. The RBI has imposed due to the issues of the restrictions of supervisory worries and licuidity.

“The banks can spend on Thursday,” the banks can spend some important things such as employees, rent, rent, furniture bills. “Eligible Depositors will be entitled to receive insurance claims deposited by their deposits of Rs. 5,00,000 to the exchange limit of Rs. 5,00,000. –IANS

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