Diabetes vs heart problems; Blood Sugar Level | Cardiomyopathy | Sehthanama- Increased heart disease risk in diabetes: 28% more risk of death, learn from doctor why increase risk, how to manage how to manage

12 hours agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari

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According to the European Society of Cardiology, the risk of death from heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular disease increases by 28% when diabetes occurs by 28%.

Blood sugar level remains high due to diabetes, which can weaken blood vessels and heart functioning nerve. If the blood sugar level is high for a long time, then a condition can be formed, which is called atherosclerosis in the language of science.

In this, plaque freezes in arteries make it hard and blood flow starts to interrupt. Due to this, blood pressure increases. The longer this condition lasts, the more damage to the blood vessels. This causes heart health deteriorate and may cause heart attack or stroke.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart problems are the biggest cause of death worldwide. In 2019, 1.79 crore deaths caused by heart problem, out of which 85% were heart attack and stroke. Diabetes and blood pressure are the major reason behind this.

so today ‘Sehthanama‘I will talk about diabetes and heart health connections. Will also know that-

  • Can this cause heart problems?
  • How can this risk be reduced?

A quarter of the world’s diabetic people in India

According to the World Health Organization, 83 crore people had diabetes in the year 2022 all over the world. The shocking thing is that more than a quarter of diabetic people of the whole world were in India alone. In 2022, 21.1 million people in India were diabetic. This means that the number of diabetic people in India is very high.

What is the connection of diabetes and heart health?

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that damages almost every part of the body. Due to this, the sugar level in the blood increases. Heart, brain and kidney are most needed in the body. Therefore, these organs also suffer the most damage due to diabetes.

What is the effect on the heart, it is telling, diabetologist Dr. Samith A. Shetty-

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Blood sugar levels increase blood pressure due to high blood pressure

Dr. Samith A. Shetty says that if the blood sugar level is high for a long time, then it starts to weaken blood vessels. Think of it in such a way that a kind of garbage starts accumulating in vessels, which is called plaque in the language of medicine. This makes the blood vessels tight and the flow of blood is affected. Therefore, blood pressure increases and cholesterol level also increases.

Dr. Samith A. According to Shetty, high blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage responsible for functioning of heart and blood vessels. This can spoil the rhythm of heart beat and blood pressure. See what more disadvantages from this, in graphic-

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Diabetes can cause many heart problems

Diabetic people increase the risk of many heart problems. The most common in this is coronary artery disease. In this, the arteries that supply blood to the heart start shrinking. If these arteries have shrunk more that there can be blood flow block, which can cause heart attack. See all heart problem graphic caused by diabetes-

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Understand these disease in a little detail-

Coronary artery disease: It is the most common cardiovskular disease. This happens due to compressed arteries that deliver blood to the heart.

Heart failure: Heart muscles become weak in this condition. Therefore, the heart is not able to pump sufficient amount of blood according to the need of the body. In this, the functioning of the heart gradually deteriorates.

Cardiomyopathy: In this heart disease, heart muscles become weak or hard, due to which the heart is not able to pump blood properly. This can weaken the functioning of the heart.

Heart attack: Heart attacks may occur if coronary arteries are completely blocked. This condition can prove fatal in most cases.

Stroke: This is a condition in which the blood flow of the brain stops. This is usually caused by blood clotting.

How to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease when diabetes?

Dr. Samith A. Shetty says that if someone is diabetic, then it is also certain that he will have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease than others. However, by adopting some tips, we can take care of our heart.

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Understand these points in detail

Control blood sugar: It is very important to control blood sugar level to avoid heart related complication. Take a healthy diet for this. Do regular exercise and take all the medicines mentioned by the doctor at regular time.

Keep blood pressure control: First of all, check the regular blood pressure. To keep it under control, make necessary changes in lifestyle with medicines. Take a healthy diet, do regular exercise and get 7-8 hours of sleep daily.

Control cholesterol level: Plan to control cholesterol level after consulting a doctor. For this, take a healthy diet, exercise and take medicines. Do not eat refined oil and ultra processed food at all.

Quit smoking: The risk of smoking heart disease can increase manifold. So if you smoke then it will be the best decision to leave it.

Get regular checkups done: The best way to reduce the risk of heart disease is to get a regular checkup done. Keep checking your blood sugar level, blood pressure and cholesterol level so that a big problem can be detected on time and getting the right treatment.

Some common questions and answers related to diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Question: Who is more at risk of heart disease in type-1 diabetes and type-2 diabetes?

answer: Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are higher than the risk of heart disease. However, people with type-2 diabetes are the highest risk.

Question: Can patients have heart disease even without any symptoms?

answer: Yes, many times diabetic people can have heart disease without any clear symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to get a regular health checkup done.

Question: Can change lifestyle reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease?

answer: Yes, these hazards can be reduced from healthy diet, exercise, stress management, weight control and regular 8 hours of sleep. If you consume cigarettes or alcohol, leaving them can reduce the risk.

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