Theft that moved to such a built with Europe, bombs and took a 2500-year-old crown, thieves in two countries, increased stress between two countries

Amsterm: Theft stories in the series like Netflix and the arization of the series on the series on the netflix and the “Berlin ‘are now seeing the truth. Thieves in the Netherlands in Europe has set theft incident. The stolen bomb blast was also used.

The thief took four ancient things, including a 2500-year-old gold helmet and three golden bang. This event happened in the Museum Museum on Saturday morning. Thieves stole the “Kotophancity helmet ‘. This stealing in the Netherlands is also increasing international dispute. In fact, the stolen gold helmet was not of Netherlands.


The museum had borrowed it from the Romania’s National History Museum. The Roman government is angry by taking theft of this helmet. This exhibition was based on Dasian Saman so that prevented in ancient Romania before the Roman.

According to Dutch police, the loot was at 3:45 pm on Saturday morning. After this police had been explored. The police released by the police seeking the suspicious person opening a suspicious person before explosive. This caused sparks and smoke in the air.


When did the gold helmet receive?
Thieves stolen the helmet of the 5th century Esa East, along with the three-year-old bangles of the forecast also stolen. This helmet has the original owner’s National History Museum. Historically, it was an important artwork.


“The helmet’s research said in a press statement issued on the Drents Museum on his website. It’s a masterpiece. Its design stories and two eyes scenes. The idea of ​​making eyes is to protect from bad eyes.


Romania strongly responded
The exhibition was to end on Sunday. However, the building has now been damaged by the blast used in this steal. Although someone has no news to be injured. Dutch police is working with interpol. They were looking for a gray car, which was found burning in the museum 6.4 kilometers from the museum. The Romania government is angry with this theft.


Romania Prime Minister Marceale Soluku said on Sunday said that the government had made a crisis team with the representatives of the Ministry of Home Ministry, the Ministry of Exemption and Romansia Police. Cultural Minister Natalia Entotero raised the issue of theft by the Netherlands and the Dutch royal family in Poland on Monday. The Prime Minister Siology said that we would send a strong message to the Romania government to be recovered in the inheritance.


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