APAAR ID: What is APAAR ID, what will be the benefits to the students, know the easiest way to create it

APAAR ID: These days the work of making APAAR ID for school children is going on. This work is going on in all government and private schools. APAAR’s Full Form Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry (APAAR FULLFORM- Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry) This ID will help students track their academic progress and manage them more effectively throughout their learning journey.


According to the information in APAR’s brochure, this ID will help create a detailed and permanent record of each student’s academic history. This will include courses, marks, certificates and achievements from various institutions. All this will be possible through integration with DigiLocker.

Apar ID is being created under the Central Government’s ‘One Nation, One Student ID’ scheme. In this, each student will get a unique ID number of 12 digits. Registration for Apar ID has to be done by visiting the official website. However, this work will have to be completed by the schools.


What details will Apar ID contain?

Apar ID will contain complete educational details of the student. This ID card will contain the student’s gender, date of birth, parents’ address and photograph. Apart from this, it will also contain data like mark sheet, certificate, degree-diploma certificate, character certificate, school transfer certificate and other documents. Apart ID can also contain information like blood group of students, their height and weight.


Apar ID will be linked with Aadhaar

Apar ID will be linked with student’s Aadhaar card. If the student is a minor, parental permission is required to create a separate ID. Student’s Aadhaar card will be linked with Apar ID only with parental consent. Parents may choose to withdraw their consent at any time.


How will Apar ID card be created?

Apar ID card will be generated by the school. Portal of School Apar will register by going to For this, the student must have an Aadhaar card. If the child is a minor, the parents have to fill the consent form. Fill the consent form as follows-

First of all APAAR website go to
-Now click on ‘Resources’ on the home page.
– Now download APAAR Parental Consent Form (English) from here.
-Fill the required information in the form and submit it to the school.


What is the benefit of Apar ID?

  • After creation of Apar ID, cases like fake education documents will be prevented.

  • It will be easier to verify students at the time of admission.

  • To get scholarship, credit collection, credit redemption, credit transfer internship, certification, job application etc. will become very easy.

  • The benefits of government schemes can be directly passed on to the children.

  • This will be the digital locker of the students, in which all the documents will be saved in one place.

  • Tracking of dropout students will be possible using Apar ID. This will help bring them into the mainstream.

Is Apar ID mandatory?

Registration for Apar ID is voluntary. Schools are required to obtain consent from parents before creating separate IDs for students. For minor children, parents must sign a consent form.

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