New Delhi. Actress Nitanshi Goyal made her Bollywood debut with the film ‘Laapta Ladies’ released in the year 2024. His strong performance in this was highly praised. Recently Nitanshi Goyal told that Kriti Sanon had praised her a lot for ‘Missing Ladies’. He also told that he had completely improvised a scene in the film and for this the entire team of the film praised him.
Free Press Journal In an interview, Nitanshi Goyal said, ‘There is a scene in the film, where Phool cries in the public toilet of the railway station, it was completely improvised. I told Kiran (Rao) ma’am that Phool is very weak and I think she should cry. He told me to follow my heart and I did the same. When we shot that scene, everyone was crying and clapping.
Nitanshi Goyal got praise from Kriti Sanon
Nitanshi Goyal told that recently Kriti Sanon praised her a lot for ‘Missing Ladies’. The actress told, ‘I met Kriti Sanon at an award function. I remember watching her again and again like a fangirl and thinking in my mind how to meet her, how to say hi and meanwhile she herself came to meet me and what she said won my heart. ‘
Nitanshi Goyal was elated
The actress further said, ‘He told me that Nitanshi, I see little Kriti in you. I see my younger self in you and I want you to work in very good films. I want you to rock the screen. When he said this I was very overwhelmed. This was a big moment for me.
Suspense-thriller film with 8.3 rating, you will not be able to differentiate between hero and villain, your mind will be shaken after watching the climax.
What is the story of ‘Missing Ladies’?
The film ‘Missing Ladies’, directed by Kiran Rao, is the story of two brides who transform while traveling by train on their wedding day. In this, Nitanshi and Pratibha Ranta have played the role of Phool and Jaya, while Sparsh Srivastava has played the role of a groom wandering in search of his wife. Apart from this, Chhaya Kadam, Ravi Kishan and Geeta Aggarwal Sharma were also a part of the film. Aamir Khan produced this film.
Tags: Aamir khan, Entertainment news., Critic I say
FIRST PUBLISHED : December 30, 2024, 1:44 PM IST