New Delhi. Allu Arjun was arrested on Friday after the death of a woman in a stampede during the screening of ‘Pushpa 2’. Then this morning the actor was released on bail. He reached home on Saturday morning. As soon as he came from jail, his close friend Vijay Deverakonda came to meet Allu. The videos of both are going quite viral at the moment.
After Pushpa Bhau came out of jail, her close friend and industry colleague Vijay Deverakonda was also among those who came to support her. In a video, which is now going viral, Vijay is seen visiting Allu Arjun’s house in a T-shirt, black pants and his signature beanie cap. As soon as he saw Arjun, he hugged him. After this both are seen talking.
Allu Arjun returned after spending Friday night in jail. After this, I felt relieved after returning home. Father Allu Arvind and father-in-law Kancharla Chandrashekhar had reached there to take the actor from jail. He assured the fans that whatever he does will be done according to the law and said that he will cooperate with the police. As soon as he was released from jail, Allu first went straight to Geeta Arts.
Why did Allu Arjun reach Geeta Arts after coming out of jail, what is the ‘Pushpa Bhau’ connection with this?
emotional on seeing a friend
Vijay Deverakonda’s face lit up after seeing Allu Arjun’s return home. He became emotional after seeing his dear friend. Vijay hugged Allu as soon as he saw him. Both of them kept meeting each other for a long time. It seemed that hardly anyone was as happy as Vijay Deverakonda was on Allu Arjun’s return from jail.
#WATCH | Actor Vijay Deverakonda meets Actor Allu Arjun at the latter’s residence in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.
Allu Arjun was released from Chanchalguda Central Jail today after the Telangana High Court granted him interim bail yesterday on a personal bond of Rs 50,000 in…
— ANI (@ANI) December 14, 2024