Ladakh Army Accident: Two JCOS killed during the local accident

The water tank occurred due to explosion; The army presented tribute to his brave Santosh Kumar and Naib Subarra Kumar

Leh, February 18

Army officials said on Tuesday that two junior commissioned officers of the army during an accident in Ladak was known as Junior Commissionssed Officers. The army presented a tribute to the brave who sacrificed their lives during duty.

The official said that due to the water tank in the Nomama, 150 km from Ladakh in the southern Ladakh, died of Zandar Santosh Kumar and Naibdar Sunil Kumar. He said that the police examination of the occurrence on Sunday was going on.

North Army Commander Lieutenant General Schinder Kumar (Northern Army Commander Lt Gen Suchindra Kumar) saluted the supreme sacrificers of the martyr soldiers.

The northern command wrote on Tuesday, “Salute the highest sacrificial sacrifice of Bahadatant General Sachinder Kumar and Naib Subarra Kumar, a Rank Submarine Sunil Kumar, a Rankan Command of Dulv command in Ladak. Do. “

The northern command has given a tribute sharing a post from the Leh-based Fire and Furyy core on Tuesday. News-Patiala

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