Athletic meat preparations of veterinary university completes


Ludhiana, 16 February

All the activities of Guru Angad Dev Veterans and Animal Sciences University are running smoothly. This information was the director student welfare of the varsity. Parkash Singh Brar gave him. He said that this athletic meat opening the Cabinet Minister Gurmeet Singh Khandines on February 19.30 am in the playground. The Deputy Commissioner Ludhiana Jorwal will be the prize distribution and chief guests of the ceremony.

Dr. Brar said that every arrangement for each faculty of the players had been completed. The responsibilities for basic aid, records, maintaining the regulations and other premature requirements are specified. The information that students will also be presented by the exceeds and the colorful cultural program.

Administrative Secretary Dr. Bilawal Singh and Joint Secretary Dr. Ghatk Singh Dhaliwal informed that the university students have received achievements very well in all Indian intervas. Students of different colleges related to the university in this athletic meat. Vice Chancellor Dr. Jatinder Pal Singh Gill wished the participants all the competitors.


The postcare material preparations of the athletic university completes the preparations of the Athletic Meat on Punjabi News-Patiala.

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