Punjab News: Due to a person ending the tower opening of the mobile company

Meeting opened the beverage of the Aliest Company’s tawar; While opening the tower, the plate of platforms occurred due to the breakdown

Jagmohan Singh

Donorious, Feb 12:

Airtel (Airtel) died on Wednesday at Dhanoli, a person died due to falling from the Tower of the company. The deceased is identified by Meerut’s glory (32), the son of Shahzad.

According to information, the four person from Meerut was opened at airtel company’s tower. Meanwhile, the spoke was working on the glory on theleb, and the platform was decorated.

As a result, the glory fell down from the universe Tower and he became seriously injured because of the heavy platform of iron.

He was injured in the injured in the injured, the Young Hagha Hospital Rupnagar, where the young man was disconnected by doctors. The action has been launched by the Dhanuli Police, the action of the deceased body in the dead of government hospital Rupnagar.

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